Practically all recruitment these days has been moved to the virtual world, so the importance of having your online profile optimised cannot be emphasised enough! LinkedIn is the best professional platform for getting yourself noticed but you need to ensure that you enable the right people find you by effective building of your profile.
Tell Your Story
LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to build a picture of who you are professionally, showcase your strengths and style whilst showing your range of experiences and accomplishments. It is important to include keywords that are directed at the type of career you are seeking, so that recruiters, in that area, can more easily find you. You may need to do a little research into what ‘keywords’ your ideal employer would be looking for.
Avoid Buzzwords
The way in which you sell yourself is very different now, as in the ‘buzzwords’ that used to be considered important, are now big NO-NO’s. Things like “hardworking”, “motivated” and “driven” etc. have been widely overused and are words to avoid. Instead, strategically weave targeted keywords in every part of your profile, the headline, summary, experience and skills.
Make sure you get your LinkedIn profile updated and optimised, so that the job you are seeking is more likely to come to you.